Flaw Review

Monday, March 13, 2006

Flaw Review

Flaw review is an annual event held each Spring and is put on by the students. The event consists of various skits from each class and can be described as a lighthearted spoof of law school life. The skits range in subject matter from lightheartedly poking fun at professors to the university to fellow classmates. In addition to the skits presented by the students, the faculty has the opportunity to return the favor and put on a skit of their own. When taken advantage of, these skits can also be extremely amusing as subject matter ranges from razzing students to fellow faculty members.

Looked forward to by most, the event is a function attended by students and faculty alike. The subject matter is not to be taken seriously as the skits are a spoof on law school life. Nonetheless, to help assure no lines are crossed, all content must be approved by the SBA and its faculty advisor.

This year's Flaw Review will be held Thursday, April 8th at Neil's on the corner of Madison and McLean in Midtown.

Pictures from past events can be viewed at http://www.law.memphis.edu/student/flaw/flawreview2004.htm

Those interested in writing scripts or participating in the skits should contact their SBA representatives.